Thursday 20 October 2011

Life and Death: Lasting Love for the Promise

In the middle of the forest of the town of San Martin, there were one family living. They choose to live to the forest for a purpose of peaceful life.The father's name was Mang Mario while the mother's name was Aling Nita together with their one and only beautiful daughter, Andrea. She is very beautiful and a good of daughter of her parents.
One early morning, Mang Mario and Aling Nita decided to go to the market to buy for foods. They just leave Andrea alone their house. When Andrea feel bored inside the house, she decided to go out so that she can look around and to breathe fresh air. When she reached at middle part of the forest, she saw a man lying on the root of acacia tree. The man is like dying so she grab the man and bring it to their house. She take good care of the man. When her parents arrive from the market and she told her parents about what happened. Aling Nita feels pity to the man. After a while, the man woke up, he look around and he said, "Where I am?".
Mang Mario replied," you've been found by our daughter, Andrea in the middle of the forest. Your like dying so she bring you here in our house. Then the man responds," Oh! Thank you so much for your kind- hearted, by the way I' am Miguel Soriano. If its ok to you if I will look for your daughter to say my thanks and sense gratitude to her in person. They able to meet each other . When Miguel met Andrea . He stared on her and she was shocked because Andrea was the girl he met before and felt in love when they first met in the town. He just tried not to mention it to them. When they met, Andrea bring something for Miguel. She cooked special soup for him.
On the next day, Miguel is still staying at the house of Mang Mario. They talked to each other. Mang Mario ask Miguel if he has a house to stay in but Miguel replied that he has no house to live in. Mang Mario decided that Miguel can stay in their house temporarily. Miguel help doing household chores. They were closed to each other like a true happy family. After 2 weeks, Miguel still staying at the house of Andrea. They became friends and both of them feel something special to each other but they just kept it because it is not the right. Mang Mario and Aling Nita might say that he just taking for granted for their closeness so he better denied the feelings he feels for Andrea.
One cold evening, Miguel can slept so he go outside the house to breathe fresh air. When Mang Mario noticed him, He followed Miguel. They had their conversation.
Miguel ask permission for Mang Mario that hes going to court Andrea. He fell in love with Andrea. Mang Mario was shocked but he just want for Andreas happiness in which both of them love each other so Mang Mario and Aling Nita agreed for their relationship
At day time, Mang Mario went to market. They noticed that the market was noisy and there were many policemen. They were looking for the most wanted criminal which named was Miguel Soriano so they go back easily to their house to let them know.
When they arrived into their house, Mang Mario shouted looking for Miguel. Aling Nita said," Calm down Mario lower your temper its not good for your health.
When Andrea and Miguel appeared, Mang Mario punched Miguel. Andrea cried and said," what happen Papa.? Is there anything wrong?"
Miguel explain to them whats the truth. They believe Miguel tell the truth and want to help him to clean his name but its seem that Miguel  losts his hope and  he not given a justice but she believe that God is there and he knows everything.
After their conversation, they told Miguel to leave their house because their were policemen looking for him. Miguel cant leave without Andrea so their parents are giving them freedom to go together. And when they about to go policemen saw them. They shoot Miguel and his lying in the ground. Andrea shout loud and cried and she said " Miguel dont leave me your my life and everything please don't leave me. I love you so much". Miguel replied with dying voice, " Andrea..Andrea.. I love you so much. I want to stay with you forever but it seems its my last moment with you. Im so thankful to GOD for having me in my life. Thank you! Good bye. Andrea reply , " My love for you is forever and that my promise to you." she cried..
Miguel died and Andrea was so sad.
 After 20 years Andrea, didn't forget what happened before. She still love Miguel and no one replace him in her heart. Till death do she a part. Loving Miguel is forever that's her PROMISE.

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